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Welcome to Reformation Presbyterian Church. We center on Jesus. The truth is everyone is a sinner in need of God’s redemption. We don’t come to church to ‘play the part,’ we come to church to receive the grace of Christ. Our congregation is driven by the gospel. All that we do is informed and empowered by the Good News of Jesus. We focus on advancing the kingdom by committing to serve Hendersonville and beyond. We want to see Jesus set sinners free, redeeming families, businesses, and institutions for his glory.
As a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, we have a long and rich history. Being Presbyterian means we are not inventing new beliefs as we go along. Though we are always learning and growing, we have deep roots in our beliefs. We adhere to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
I invite you to join us as we seek to grow in Christ.
Ministry Staff
Matt Lucas
Senior Pastor
Austin Bollinger
Associate Pastor
Zack Keuthan
Church Planter in Residence
Keith Rose
Director of Music Ministries
Sallye Lucas
Director of Children's Ministries
Beth Hill
Office Administrator
Chris Zhang
Church Musician
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